Scrap Fabric pt. 5

I hope you made your fabric flowers because I’ve found sooo many wonderful inspirations out there!

First thing I thought of were necklaces. Especially since I already made the denim necklace at the bottom.


And you have to have a bracelet to go with it…


… and a ring.


I also found these really great flower belts. I like the idea of them with a wedding dress. It looks so dainty and it really brings that little something extra to the dress, don’t you agree?


A wonderful gift, especially for little girls is a headband.


You can embellish your old T-shirt.


Some other ideas is to make a key chain, put them on a pillowcase, a hair clip or a hair elastic, string them up on a cord and make a party decoration, make a bouquet… When I saw some of the wedding bouquets it made me question is a real flower bouquet really necessary? They look that elegant!



What I usually do is just make them into a brooch. That way I can get the most out of it and put it anywhere I like. I accessorize my bag with it, wear it in my hair, on a T-shirt… Basically, just put it anywhere I like!

For the end here is a tut on making these lovely flower decorations.


What do you think? Did I leave anything out?! 🙂